Angel Khan BailBonds Ct

Probation Violation Bail Bonds CT | Get Bail Now

Need Probation Violation Bail Bonds in CT and Not Sure What To Do?

The term probation refers to a suspect who has served time in prison and displayed responsible behavior, or a person who is on probation primarily for their crimes. In Connecticut, probation lasts between one and three years. A suspect on probation is required to comply with specific rules, but some individuals find it difficult to follow them which can result in a suspect being arrested again.  

Angel Khan Bail Bonds help you better understand probation violation charges and to get probation violation bail bonds in Connecticut.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, whenever you need reliable and affordable probation violation bail bonds in Bridgeport Connecticut.

Probation Violation According To Connecticut Law

According to Connecticut law, a violation of probation is a serious matter. Violations of probation in CT fall into three categories. Probation violations include the following:

  • Missed Court Appearances: Probation requires that you attend court on specified dates; failure to do so results in probation violations.
  • Failure to Attend Appointments: Your probation officer requires that you attend regular meetings, and missing a meeting constitutes a probation violation.
  • Not paying fees: Fines may be imposed before probation begins, and failing to pay them constitutes a violation as well.
  • Lack of Employment: Probation will be violated if the probationer fails to find or keep a job.
  • A Violation of Your Probation: If you are associated with someone or go somewhere that is against your probation, you are in violation of your probation.

Probation violations are often asked if they are misdemeanors, but they are not. You are on probation if the court has ordered you not to commit new crimes or violate your probationary terms. As a result of committing a misdemeanor while on probation, it revokes your probation for two years at the end of which you serve 2 years in prison.

Probation Violation Vs Parole Violation

People often confuse probation and parole violations, both of which are altogether different from prison and jail. Judges grant probation when they don’t sentence someone to jail or prison, instead giving them a chance to rehabilitate themselves. When someone is granted parole, they get out of prison under certain conditions and rules.

If you violate your probation, how long can you be held in jail in CT?

Often, arrested individuals believe that in the event of a probation violation, their bonds will be automatically revoked. However, that’s not always the case. Bond may or may not be granted by a judge if your probation has been violated.

When deciding on a case, several factors are taken into account by the judge.

Accused Offender’s Probation Status — When you commit a nonviolent crime, the chances of your release are greater than for a person accused of committing a violent offense.

The first probation violation of the accused — Without a record of probation violations, it is more likely that you will get a bond than someone who has repeated probation violations.

Violation Type — Was the violation a criminal offense or a technical offense, for example, not paying restitution, failing to submit to drug testing, or any other probation violation. In the case of a technical violation, a bond is more likely to be granted than if the offense was a new one.

There are good reasons why bonds are issued – There is no substantial risk that you will fail to appear and do not pose a danger to the community. Strong family and community ties can also be a reason for issuing a bond rather than remaining in jail.

A judge who finds you in violation of your probation has three options:

  • Probation reinstatement remains unchanged
  • Additional sanctions added to a probation sentence
  • Prison or jail time after a probation revocation

Procedure To Get Probation Violation Bail Bonds in Connecticut

If you have been charged with violating the conditions granted by a judge for probation violation, hiring a bail bond agent is the best option for avoiding more time in jail.

For bail bonds for probation violations, or for bail for someone you love or a friend you know, please contact our Angel Khan Bond Bail agents at +1-203- 726-2179

Why Trust Angel Khan Bail Bonds CT?

Angel Khan Bail Bonds provides safe, confidential, and affordable probation violation bail bonds in CT. We have the knowledge and experience needed to make the process as stress-free as possible. Our bail bond company will not only post bail for you, but will also offer advice, support, and guidance throughout this difficult time. We are available 24 hours a day, so feel free to contact us at any time.

  • Confidential Probation Violation Bail Bondsman in Connecticut
  • Fast and Reliable Booking
  • Great Experience in Connecticut State Law
  • All Types of Bail Bonds such as Drug Trafficking Bail Bonds CT
  • 24/7 Service


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